Boulder PM 2020
Juuri tullut tieto Tanskan PM kilpailujen järjestäjiltä: kilpailut peruttu Tanskan hallituksen suosituksesta COVID-19 / Corona virus epidemian takia.
Kisamatkalle lähdössä olevat: jos ette ole muissa asioissa menossa Tanskaan, niin kannattaa perua heti kaikki mahdolliset varaukset: hotellit, autovuokrat ym. Kannattaa hakea mahdollisia rahallisia korvauksia kuluista matkavakuutuksesta.
Seurat: Infotkaa tästä välittömästi seuranne valmentajia, kisoihin lähteviä huoltajia ja kilpailijoita.
Aika: 14.-15.3.2020
Kilpailupaikka: Blocs & Walls, Copenhagen. Dansk Bjerg- og Klatreklub, Refshalevej 163 D, 1432 København, Denmark
Sarjat: Seniors, Juniors, Youth A and B
Competition formats:
- The competition follows the Nordic 2020 agreement for Nordic Championships
- EYC - European Youth Cup format for Youth A & B
- IFSC - World Cup format for Juniors and Seniors who climb together
Youth B & A
- Qualification: 8 problems, Flash, maximum 5 attempts, Group size time limit, No observation
- Final: 10 climbers, 4 problems, On-sight, Rotation, No observation
Juniors & Seniors
- Qualification: 5 problems, on-sight, Rotation, 5min. No observation
- Final: 6 climbers, 4 problems, On-sight, 4 min. 1 problem at a time, 4x2 minute observation
8 classes
- Youth B: Boys & Girls (born 2005-2006)
- Youth A: Boys & Girls (born 2003-2004)
- Juniors: Boys & Girls (born 2001-2002)
- Senior: Men & Woman (born 2000 or earlier)
Registration - No later than March 1st
35 Euro per climber / Registration through National Federations.
Each country send a full list of the delegation members:
- Climbers (full name, date of birth & local club)
- Team official (participating in technical meeting – appeals)
- National judge (each country are to send a national judge)
Each country can bring up to 40 climbers – 10 for each age group
Travel to Copenhagen
By air you will arrive to Copenhagen Airport
By public transportation to Blocs & Walls – See link:
Busline2AtoRefshaleøen / Waterbus992toRefshaleøen
We have a deal with Danhostel Copenhagen City:
By using the booking code NM2020 you will get a discount on your stay at Danhostel Copenhagen City.
The booking code is valid for March 13th - 16th as long as rooms are available.
The hotel is in a good location, close to the Central Station, with connections to the competition venue and the airport.
Arrival and Parking
Please see the following link and read the following description for parking at the competition venue, Blocs & Walls:
At the competition venue, we have free electronic parking. You need to register your parking in the café area of the competition venue, Blocs & Walls.
Provisional competition timetable
Qualification day - Saturday March 14th Youth B
07.30 – 08.00 Registration
08.00 – 09.00 Isolation + technical meeting 09.00–11.00 Qualification
Youth A
10.30 – 11.00 Registration
11.00 – 12.00 Isolation + technical meeting 12.00 – 14.00 Qualification
Juniors / Seniors
14.00 – 14.30 Registration
14.30 – 16.00 Isolation + technical meeting 16.00 – 21.00 Qualification
Finals day - Sunday March 15th Youth B
08.00 – 09.00 Isolation 09.00 – 10.30 Final
Youth A
09-00 – 11.00 Isolation 11.00 + 12.30 Final
Juniors / Seniors
11.30 – 13.30 Isolation
13.30- 15.30 Finals
15. 45 Awards ceremony All
Contact Danish Federation
Carsten Lau Isaksen
Phone: +45 21193430